Survey for junior high school students

To actually quantify how much you know about stress and mental illness.

98 2nd and 3rd graders at Shibaura Institute of Technology Kashiwa Junior High School


 The following headings are statements of the questions asked. and the data in the pie charts are shown for the total and for men and women respectively.

①Do you feel stressed in school?

 The most common response to this question was "feel it sometimes" for both men and women. The fact that fewer women responded "don't feel much" indicates that women are more stressed at school. The percentages of those who answered "always feel" and "never felt it" were almost the same regardless of gender.

②Comparing pre-Corona and now, have you felt any change in stress in your daily life?

  There was little difference between men and women on this question. Half of the respondents say they have not changed much, and about 40% say they feel it more. It can be said that the coronary pandemic has increased the overall stress in daily life.

➂Do you have your own way of relieving stress?

 Many men and women responded to this question that they have, but the percentage was about 14% higher for women. Overall, we can see that about two-thirds of the respondents have their own methods of stress reduction.と分かります。

➃To those who answered "yes" to ➂, how exactly do you relieve stress?

This question was written, and we received many responses. The following is a list of excerpts from those responses.

 The two main types of responses can be categorized as "doing a lot of things I like to do, such as hobbies, to distract myself" and "hitting things or screaming like crazy. Specifically, the majority of respondents answered games, the Internet, and TV.

⑤Please select all of the following diseases of which you know the names.

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