
What is Bipolar

 It is characterized by a manic state, which refers to a period of high tension, confidence, and extreme activity, and a recurrent state of depression, which can be depressive, melancholy, and lethargic.

In a manic state, the person is not aware of the illness and may mistake it for depression. Therefore, it is important for those around him to recognize it as soon as possible. Treatment of depression alone may worsen bipolar disorder. There is no set transition time between manic and depressive states, which can be months or years, depending on the individual.

 Bipolar disorder is even more difficult to deal with, because in addition to the heavy and painful feelings of depression that make you want to die, you also have to deal with the hatred you feel for yourself when you are in a manic state. If left untreated, the cycle between manic and depressive states will shorten.

 The frequency of patients with bipolar disorder is less than 4 to 7 per 1,000 people. Bipolar disorder is built around pharmacotherapy.

Features of manic state situation

 The main symptoms during mania.

Features of depression situation

 The main symptoms during depression.

If you think it is Bipolar..

 In many cases, bipolar disorder tends to make people think they are fine when they are manic, and they just let it slide by saying, "I just get a little sick easily. If you keep putting up with it, you will become more and more depressed, and it will become harder and harder to cope. So, if you feel that your symptoms resemble bipolar disorder, please visit a clinic near you.

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