Sleeping Disorder

What is Sleeping Disorder?

 Sleep disorder is a broad term for a problem with something related to sleep. Sleep is essential for living organisms to recover their bodies and minds, to boost immunity, and to remember things. Sleep disorders often interfere with daily life, for example, by impairing concentration.

 Also there is a high possibility that sleep disorders may develop into further psychiatric disorders. There are a great many types of sleep disorders, but we will only look at the most common ones here.


 It is defined as difficulty falling asleep, awakening in the middle of the night, early morning awakening or difficulty sleeping soundly that develops for three or more days in a collection, resulting in a decrease in the quantity and quality of sleep.

 It causes daytime fatigue and difficulty concentrating. It can also cause stress and depression due to anxiety and tension that one may not be able to sleep today. Insomnia is also common among middle-aged people in their 30s~50s who are working adults.


 It is the opposite of insomnia, in that intense sleepiness occurs during the daytime even when one thinks he or she is sleeping well. It is caused by some abnormality in nighttime sleep or a decrease in the brain's ability to maintain alertness.

 Hypersomnia is common among students.

If you think you have Sleeping Disorder..

 Things like obstructive sleep apnea and restless legs syndrome are different physical ailments, although many people think they are insomnia. To diagnose these in detail, you will need to undergo the appropriate tests. If you feel that something is wrong with your own sleep, please find and visit a specialized hospital in your area. It is also important to keep in mind that it is important to adjust your normal lifestyle without overdoing it.

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