

T.B. Second year of junior high school
Design, image and graph creation


 I have always loved jellyfish and was interested in their healing effects on the mind. As I researched this, I realized that there are so many people who need healing and rest, so I decided to participate in this web contest.

 After interviewing psychosomatic physicians, I learned that the most common cause of stress is relationships. Even if I am having a good time talking with my friends, I may be putting pressure on them or making them feel uneasy. From now on, I will be more careful about my language and what I say.

 In addition, the things that cause stress and the tolerance for stress are completely different from person to person. Therefore, I felt that it is very important in a stressful society to understand what causes stress and to take countermeasures and eliminate stress by oneself.

 However, there are many times when I am not able to notice that I am under stress or that my heart is being hurt on my own. The key is how much the people around you can notice and support you at that time.

 As the survey shows, the name of mental illness and places where people can consult about it are still not widely known. If each one of us has a better understanding and knowledge of mental illness, we can not only change the world to be a more comfortable place for patients with mental illness, but also protect ourselves. Stress can be felt at any age in life. Through this site, I sincerely hope to deepen your understanding of psychosis and to provide you with hints to solve your problems.

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