Guide robot coverage!
The project I interviewed for this article is called the SMART Society. This project, called the SMART Society, is a project in which five schools collaborate to create a wayfinding robot.
And for this project, the majority of the way-finding robots are being created with a 3D printer.
So we interviewed them about their impressions of the actual use of the 3D printers and the challenges they face.
When we talked to him, he told us that there had been a number of failures and that each time he had made a number of improvements.
One of the most surprising failures was that when we sent the completed robot to the school we were working with on the project, it was not glued properly and arrived in pieces.
They then worked until midnight to send the completed aircraft within the deadline.
My impression of covering this SMART conference is that I realized that, after all, any project fails many times, improves many times, and is finally completed.
And this wayfinding robot was quite large, and I thought it was very impressive that they had created an app on top of the hard work involved in just completing this robot.