In the beginning, we struggled to decide on a theme for our website.
So we decided to look for something familiar to us. And we focused on our club,
Dengiken is the club we belong to. The abbreviation is Dengiken. Each of us has our own project and conducts the research we want to do..
Dengiken is the club we belong to. The abbreviation is Dengiken. Each of us has our own project and conducts the research we want to do. has equipment, such as PCs, Drone, Tablet, etc. At first, we focused on a 3D printer.
Place: Dengiken's club room
▲Our club's 3D Printer
These 3D printers have been installed at our club room recently. Since the introduction of these 3D printers,
Dengiken is the club we belong to. The abbreviation is Dengiken. Each of us has our own project and conducts the research we want to do.'s activities have changed dramatically.
▲Aircraft construction using LEGO
I used to make robots with LEGO before 3D printers were installed because I liked to build robots. However, the introduction of 3D printers made it possible to easily represent details that were difficult to express with LEGO, and
thus had a great impact on Dengiken
Dengiken is the club we belong to. The abbreviation is Dengiken. Each of us has our own project and conducts the research we want to do., for example, by changing robot parts from LEGO to 3D printers. It has become one of
Dengiken is the club we belong to. The abbreviation is Dengiken. Each of us has our own project and conducts the research we want to do.'s main attractions, using 3D printed airframes to compete in competitions and holding
A workshop is a hands-on course. The Dengiken also offers a variety of workshops. in which 3D printers are used.
Therefore, our club activities have changed dramatically due to the mere introduction of the 3D printer. This is why we named our website "Future Printer", because we feel that our club activities have taken a step ahead by introducing 3D printers. Also, the 3D printers created the future of our club activities.
We examined the possibilities of 3D printers through this web contest.
While using and researching 3D printers, I found that they have attracted attention in various fields and have greatly contributed to the technology's establishment.
Nowadays, as technology advances, the price of 3D printers goes down year by year. Therefore, they are becoming more accessible to beginners.
Our life is being supported by making things. When 3D printers become more popular in the future, the variety of manufacturing will increase. However, although such 3D printers are used for 3D printing, there are some cases in which they have been misused for crimes. I thought that measures will be necessary to deal with this kind of problem in the future.
A 3D printer can create “Imagination”. In the future, 3D printers will support manufacturing around the world and create our future.
- What is a 3D Printer
A 3D printer is a machine that prints 3D data in three dimensions. 3D printers can print a designed three-dimensional object ( 3D model ) in its three-dimensional state.
To tell the truth, the 3D printer was born 50 years ago. The number of printing methods has increased from the first Stereolithography to five major types today.
The merits of 3D printers include a lower cost and the ability to make products quickly. For this reason, 3d printers are attracting attention from many companies.
3D printers are now attracting attention for their use in education. In Japan, some schools have already introduced 3D printers.
Then, according to a survey that we conducted, we found that about 83% of the students were interested in 3D printers. This shows that there is a great interest in 3D printers among middle and high school students. Many students may want to learn about 3D printers in lessons.
However, 3D printers are not always a good thing. There have been many cases in which 3D printers have been abused for criminal purposes due to their high technology. I felt that it will be necessary to take measures to deal with such issues in the future.
- Research
Nowadays, 3D printers are attracting attention from many companies due to their low cost and quick production. We interviewed companies and laboratories that are using 3D printers in the fields of housing, satellites, medicine, substrate, and education.
What I found through my interviews was that each laboratory and company uses 3D printers in a completely different way. I learned that it is possible for us to use the same 3D printer in a completely new way if it is innovated and applied in a creative method.
- Use in Club
Through our interview with a team that uses 3D printers in our club, we were able to learn about the innovations of using 3D printers.
There are teams which do not buy ready-made but use 3D printers to reduce cost. In addition,the other team uses 3D printers to solve fine adjustments because 3D printers can print repeatedly.
Then, we actually used 3D printers.
After we used 3D printers, we felt the freedom of them. We were able to make things from small items such as key chains to large items such as hangers. In addition to the above, intensity and other settings can be adjusted at the time of printing.
The price of 3D printers is going down. The lower the price of a 3D printer becomes, the more we can gain this easily. Then, these days, digital techniques and 3D printers are becoming sophisticated. So, the day may come when there is a 3D printer in every house.
3D printers are evolving now. Someday, the demerit that 3D printers take a lot of time on printing will have improved, and activated on the front lines of manufacturing.
At the time of its invention, there was only one printing method, but today, the number of printing methods has increased to five major types. I think 3D printers will continue to evolve in the future. In the process, the number of printing methods will further increase, and it will become possible to use different types of printing methods to suit the object to be printed.
We went through experiences such as interviewed to lab and companies, which were our first experiences. These were beneficial.
I was glad to be able to participate in this competition with these members who worked together from morning to night on the website.