MultiJet Printing
MultiJet printing is a method that draws each layer and stacks them by jetting resins out from Inkjet PrintheadAn inkjet printhead is a movable device in an inkjet printer through which ink is sprayed. and solidifying them with a UV laser. We’ll introduce the feature and printing process of MultiJet Printing on this page.
Table of Contents
The table is the basic information list of MultiJet Printing.
ISO standards | Material Jetting |
Aliases | MJP, MJT, PolyJet |
Cost | Expensive |
Performance | Very good |
How can we print 3D objects with MultiJet Printing?
MultiJet Printing is a 3D printing system utilizing the technology of inkjet printers, ordinary printers most of us have. Instead of ink, the printer sprays liquid resinLiquid resin is a resin that hardens when exposed to ultraviolet light. In the Stereolithography, liquid resin (UV resin) is used for modeling. onto the stage
A stage is the foundation on which moldings are printed in a 3D printer. from the Inkjet Printhead
An inkjet printhead is a movable device in an inkjet printer through which ink is sprayed..
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▲Inkjet printheadAn inkjet printhead is a movable device in an inkjet printer through which ink is sprayed. and stage
A stage is the foundation on which moldings are printed in a 3D printer.
The device draws a layer by jetting liquid resin from the inkjet printheadAn inkjet printhead is a movable device in an inkjet printer through which ink is sprayed. and changing the relative position between the stage
A stage is the foundation on which moldings are printed in a 3D printer. and the inkjet printhead
An inkjet printhead is a movable device in an inkjet printer through which ink is sprayed.. A UV laser solidifies jetted liquid resin
Liquid resin is a resin that hardens when exposed to ultraviolet light. In the Stereolithography, liquid resin (UV resin) is used for modeling. immediately. The system has both functions of Fused Filament Fabrication
Fused Filament Fabrication is a method that draws each layer and stacks them by extruding resin from the heated nozzle and changing the relative position between the stage and nozzle. and Stereolithography
Stereolithography is a method that draws each layer and stacks it by solidifying liquid resin with a UV laser..
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▲System of MultiJet Printing
The device stacks each formed layer by moving the stageA stage is the foundation on which moldings are printed in a 3D printer. to Z-axis while printing the resin.
When overhangsAn overhangs is an area in a modeling object that is floating in the air without support. Support structures is required when printing moldings. (floating) happen, we make support structures
Support structures is a pillar printed between the hollow part (overhang) and the stage to prevent extruded filaments from floating during modeling. for printing. However, we have to use about three times as much support structures
Support structures is a pillar printed between the hollow part (overhang) and the stage to prevent extruded filaments from floating during modeling. as Fused Filament Fabrication
Fused Filament Fabrication is a method that draws each layer and stacks them by extruding resin from the heated nozzle and changing the relative position between the stage and nozzle. when stacking at an oblique angle.
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▲Differences in support structuresSupport structures is a pillar printed between the hollow part (overhang) and the stage to prevent extruded filaments from floating during modeling. between Fused Filament Fabrication
Fused Filament Fabrication is a method that draws each layer and stacks them by extruding resin from the heated nozzle and changing the relative position between the stage and nozzle. and MultiJet Printing
This is how MultiJet Printing prints 3D objects.
Some products of MultiJet Printing can print with multiple resins. The resin used for support structuresSupport structures is a pillar printed between the hollow part (overhang) and the stage to prevent extruded filaments from floating during modeling. and one for objects are different. By doing so, you can easily remove support structures
Support structures is a pillar printed between the hollow part (overhang) and the stage to prevent extruded filaments from floating during modeling., and you can produce beautiful objects after removing support structures
Support structures is a pillar printed between the hollow part (overhang) and the stage to prevent extruded filaments from floating during modeling.. This is an amazing merit.
The following picture shows a ball-shaped printed object using a special resin that melts with heat for the support structuresSupport structures is a pillar printed between the hollow part (overhang) and the stage to prevent extruded filaments from floating during modeling. only. Immediately after printing, there are a lot of support structures
Support structures is a pillar printed between the hollow part (overhang) and the stage to prevent extruded filaments from floating during modeling. at the bottom of and inside the ball (on the right side). By heating the ball and melting support structures
Support structures is a pillar printed between the hollow part (overhang) and the stage to prevent extruded filaments from floating during modeling., we can make a nested ball.
Place: 3D Solution Center
▲On the right side: objects immediately after printing. On the left side: objects after heating.
This way, you can print interesting 3D objects using a different kind of resin for support structuresSupport structures is a pillar printed between the hollow part (overhang) and the stage to prevent extruded filaments from floating during modeling..
We will introduce the features of MultiJet Printing.
Using MultiJet Printing, we can print elaborate objects because their layer resolutionLayer resolution is the thickness of each layer of the 3D model. The smaller the thickness is, the more accurate the printing will be. is high. In addition, MultiJet Printing doesn't cause warping and intensity differences.
Place: 3D Solution Center
▲Picture of an elaborate keyhole printed with MultiJet Printing
Some types of 3D printers can produce objects with multiple resins and create various 3D objects.
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▲Picture of a steering wheel printed with dual resin
Some types of 3D printers can produce full-color objects by adding CMYKCMYK refers to the four colors cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. They are used as primary colors to represent full color in subtractive mixing such as printing. ink to liquid resinLiquid resin is a resin that hardens when exposed to ultraviolet light. In the Stereolithography, liquid resin (UV resin) is used for modeling..
MultiJet Printing printers are usually over 5 million yen, which is expensive for individuals. The target customers are companies.
MultiJet Printing needs many support structuresSupport structures is a pillar printed between the hollow part (overhang) and the stage to prevent extruded filaments from floating during modeling. to print because all cavities of printing objects require them.
The 3D object sometimes changes its form with direct sunlight because MultiJet Printing uses a liquid resinLiquid resin is a resin that hardens when exposed to ultraviolet light. In the Stereolithography, liquid resin (UV resin) is used for modeling., which is solidified with a UV raiser.
The acrylic resin, which is mainly used for MultiJet Printing, is weak and breaks if you press it.
MultiJet Printing is usually over 5 million yen and is too expensive as a home-use 3D printerA home-use 3D printer is one intended for personal purchase. Although home-use 3D printers are less precise than industrial-use printers, they are less expensive, with some printers costing less than 50,000 yen..
MultiJet Printing can produce elaborate, colored (depending on the types of printers) objects with high resolutions, targeting companies or organizations.
These are the features of MultiJet Printing.
We will show some pictures of MultiJet Printing and its printed objects.
MultiJet Printing
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Inkjet printhead and nozzle
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On the right side: objects immediately after printing. On the left side: objects after heating.
Place: 3D Solution Center
Picture of an elaborate keyhole printed with MultiJet Printing
Place: 3D Solution Center
Picture of a steering wheel printed with dual resin
Place: 3D Solution Center