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Problems regarding purchasing houses
As of 2022, the prices of condominiums are soaring, especially in the Tokyo metropolitan area. According to "Metropolitan Area New Condominium Market Trends in the First Half of 2022 (January to June)" (Real Estate Economic Institute, Inc.), the average price of a newly built condominium for sale in the first half of 2022 was approximately 65 million yen.

Purchasing a home, often referred to as "the most expensive purchase in one's lifetime," has become increasingly difficult.
Initiative of SERENDIX
Serendix, established in Kobe in 2018, is researching and developing its 3D Printer's housing technology to solve the 30-year mortgage problem and to respond to people's need for low-priced housing.

"Sphere" is a second house developed by Serendix. In general, it takes 8 to 15 months to build a house. But it takes only 24 hours to build a "Sphere."

Provided by Serendix

▲3D Printed House “Sphere"

The price of Sphere is approximately 3 million yen. Therefore, we can probably purchase a house just like a car in the near future. With the 3D printer, the same types of homes could be built around the world. Serendix is now progressing with its research to demonstrate at the Osaka Expo in 2025.

Provided by CLOUDS Architecture Office

▲3D Printed House “Sphere"

Serendix also develops one LDK house, called “the Fujitsubo Model," with Digital Manufacturing and Design Research Center for Emergent Circularity, Keio University, which allows the residents to live for a long time. Serendix is planning to sell it at 5 million yen.

Provided by Emu Masuyama, Digital Manufacturing and Design Research Center for Emergent Circularity, Keio University

▲3D Printed House “FUJITSUBO Model"

Provided by Emu Masuyama, Digital Manufacturing and Design Research Center for Emergent Circularity, Keio University

▲ Plan of「FUJITSUBO Model」

Online Interview

We interviewed Serendix online regarding its research on 3D Printer Housing on August 9th, 2022.

Place: Member's home

▲Appearance of Interview

We asked the following seven questions about "Housing x 3D Printer."

  1. What project are you working on?
  2. Could you explain why you came to work on such a project?
  3. We heard that the Spherical type is a suitable shape for a Sphere. What problems would you face if you designed other types of shapes?
  4. What are the strengths of Sphere?
  5. What problem are you having at the moment?
  6. What skills do you think will be required in the future?
  7. What do you envision as the ideal form?

What project are you working on?

We are inventing a new type of house, "Sphere," which we can build in 24 hours and provide it at 3 million yen.

▲This is the video showing how to make a Sphere. ; Provided by Serendix
This video shows an operable nozzleA nozzle is a component that extrudes filament (resin) and prints it on the stage. is used for adding layers and building a Sphere.

Could you explain why you came to work on such a project?

Koma, CEO, and Handa, COO, discussed their new project, "Create the most advanced house in the world," and promoted the agenda. The idea is to provide our customers with a house they can purchase at a low price, like a car, and they don't have to take out a mortgage. As a result, they can live more easily.

We heard that the Spherical type is a suitable shape for a Sphere. What problems would you face if you designed other types of shapes?

Sphere is physically strong because of its Spherical shape, as its walls support each other. Sphere is one piece of an object, because of which we can reduce labor costs and sell at 3 million yen.

Provided by Serendix

▲Sphere is being built.

Seen from above, the cross-section of a Sphere is beautiful. The house is strong against an impact because of its round shape.

Provided by Serendix

▲Completion photo of Sphere

This is the picture of a Sphere. You can find its round shape.

What are the strengths of Sphere?

It's our mindset to try. The shape of houses made with 3D printers is generally rectangular. But we created a rounded-shaped home by making use of an overhangAn overhangs is an area in a modeling object that is floating in the air without support. Support structures is required when printing moldings., which was the first trial in the world.

Made by us

What problem are you having at the moment?

Since there is a great possibility of falling the wall while building a house, it is very challenging to harden the material before falling. It is also challenging to adjust the angle of a printer's head so that the printer can successfully produce the target objects.

What skills do you think will be required in the future?

When we started this project, we couldn't find any expert in creating 3D data on housing in Japan. However, there are some experts in this field in other countries, so it is necessary to obtain their knowledge. We plan to translate information written by them into Japanese so that we can acquire the skills required to create 3D data on housing.

What do you envision as the ideal form?

It costs 20 million to 30 million yen to buy a new house.
However, a "Sphere" is about 3 million yen, almost the same price as a car. Some people can even buy it without relying on a mortgage. If we buy a Sphere, we are expected to take out a 5-year mortgage, and we can pay off the mortgage 25 years earlier than a 30-year mortgage.
As a result, our customers don't have to worry about their mortgages, enabling them to live more happily. This is our aim.

After The Interview
Although we believed Japan's research on 3D printing fell behind, we realized, thanks to the information from Serendix, that its research is actually advanced.
Thanks to Serendix for interviewing.
We are going to introduce on this page various kinds of 3D printers called "The future printer," which is expected to play a significant role in the future in various fields.
MERL, an overseas research base of Mitsubishi Electric, is researching building a satellite antenna in space with a 3D printer.

