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Site Policy
Please read the Site Policy and agree with it before enjoying this website.
About Copyright
Pictures and articles used on this website are subject to copyright. We prohibit you from using them beyond the compass of legislation such as copying, modification, uploading, reprinting, transmission, distribution, license, sale, or publication without you obtaining permission from us. In addition, pictures that we quote from other pages and provided by a company or organization are copyrighted by them.

If this website posts inappropriate articles, pictures, or misleading remarks, please report us by email (dengikenwebcreate@gmail.com).
Information Collection
This website uses "sessionStorage" and "Cookie" to provide you with the best experience.

"sessionStorage" is aimed to prevent duplicate animation displayed at home when you open it for the first time. It is also aimed to keep the setting of font size and commentary and to scroll when you change the language.

"Cookie" is used by Google Analytics, which is an access analysis tool developed by Google used on this website, to collect traffic data. You could stop this website from collecting "Cookie" by setting your browser if you feel worried.
Please note that we could delete and edit the contents of this website without notice. In addition, we are not responsible for damages caused by this website directly or indirectly.

In addition, some pages post pictures of products after receiving permission from the sold company. However, we never use these pictures for advertising purposes and just use them to introduce universal specifications and the concept of 3D printers and CAD software.
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